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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

The development of the standard

One of the best alternative of a natural substance created in recent world is Artificial grass n with that creation of Artificial Sports Turf, which has become boon to Sports fraternity & World biggest Body “FIFA” approval is the biggest stamp of this technology.

Foods that can hurt mental health

School has lots of students, who are required to play daily & with hundreds of children running on natural grass will destroy the surface within no time. Same is applicable to University, Marriage gardens.

Additional quality assurance by FIFA

For a big builder, planning a Town with all facilities need a lush green all weather lawn, which they maintain while selling inventory, but after few years of maintenance, once all inventory sold, you know how it looks!, because maintaining a natural grass required a expertise, lots of water, harmfull fertilizers, bugs colony in grass & muds n slipperiness in rainy season.

So what is the solution?
It is Dajky Artificial grass n Sports Turf, it is almost natural in looks n feel, requires very less maintenence,  no water required, no harmful fertilizers required, it does not attract bugs, it uses recycled material to manufacture it in state of art factory at Belgium,  Europe & installed by Dajky, ecological infill material used, World best technology  for shock pad & grass manufacturing,  very comfortable for children, older persons & Pets. It has drainage system in-built so rain water flows thru it and charges underground water sources. Its shock pad gives freedom to run n fall without damage to your body and for comfortable experience of running & walking. With or without shock pad, its a totally win-win situation & a long term solution to your greenery.

Drop a message to us & we are happy to provide you more information & to become your greenery partner.

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